TinyDB is a very nice and well-done Python library. I like it quite a lot and I am using it as a dependency in a little notes application that I am dabbling with.
But I wonder why the current Python release 3.7, initially published in June 2018, still is not officially supported. Is this an oversight? What is missing? I executed the tests on three different platforms with Python 3.7.3, resulting in: 124 passed, 3 skipped, 1 warnings. The skipped tests either need PyYAML or Python 2, so these skips are expected. The warning is a PytestDeprecationWarning (I am using v4.4.1)
So if there is no real problem, may I suggest to extend the "Supported Python Versions" on the project page to 3.7?
I'd like to add that indeed some test fail if and only if ujson is installed (which is suggested to enhance performance). In this case the following tests consistently fail:
Is this already known?
But I suppose this is a behaviour which is not dependent on the Python version (not tested, just assuming).
P.S: ujson-1.35, tinydb cloned from github (v3.13.0)